Covid 19 Nepal | 19 November 2020

You are the answer to prayers for ‘daily bread’ in Nepal


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The pandemic goes on and so does the devastating impact on livelihoods and income. In Nepal – where Christians are often deliberately overlooked in the distribution of aid – lockdown has gravely affected jobs and income. It’s a daily struggle for survival, leading to desperate prayers that God is using you to answer.

You are the answer to Mahesh Singh’s prayers. 

Mahesh Singh, from Nepal, is fighting cancer. He has undergone initial surgery and, for the next step in his treatment, the doctor has suggested radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He belongs to a very poor family and was praying for help just to feed himself.

And then came the answer. “In the midst of my struggle with cancer and my finances, God sent this organisation with great support in my life,” Mahesh Singh says, whose name we have changed to protect his identity. “I thank my God for His faithfulness and thanks to your organisation for reaching out to me.”

Mahesh Singh

Four families you\'ve come alongside to provide food

Below are four further testimonies of how you\'ve been the answer to different families’ prayers for daily bread. All names have been changed for their security.

Because of lockdown, my shop remained closed for a long time and I was going through a very difficult time. There was no other income source and I was struggling for my daily food. God answered my prayers and, amidst this hard time, Open Doors helped me with groceries. I give all praise to God and would like to express my heartfelt thanks to this organisation.” – Rama

 “My husband died in an accident. I used to sustain my family\'s daily needs working in a health position as cleaning staff and sometimes doing labour work. Because of lockdown, our spare food had almost run out. I have been going through a very hard time. My pastor informed me that Open Doors partners had sent relief packages. I am very happy and thankful to God and this organisation who have helped me and my family as I was struggling to access daily food.” Kamali BK


“I used to sustain my livelihood through daily labour but, during this pandemic, I’ve had no work nor source of income. Because of the prolonged lockdown, it definitely affected daily wage labourers like me. There were no work opportunities during this time. It was so difficult to sustain our livelihood in this pandemic. Thank you so much to Open Doors partners for helping me with this provision.”  – Maya

“I used to work and earn for my family, but due to sickness, I cannot work. And because of lockdown, my wife couldn’t get any work to earn for our family. It has been very difficult to get daily food to survive. We as a family were praying for our basic needs. This relief is a great help to meet our daily needs. I am very happy and thank you so much to all the helping hands behind this project. I thank God for His provision.” Buddhi Shrestha



  • Give thanks for God’s provision of ‘daily bread’ for families in Nepal
  • For the provision of work and income for all Christians in Nepal
  • That Christians across the world will no longer be overlooked in the distribution of government aid.

Your gift could provide and deliver emergency aid to isolated and persecuted believers impacted by the Covid-19 crisis in places like Nepal.